I have a special relationship with Naan (we call it “Non” in Uzbek language) – I like it with everything! In fact, my whole family likes bread with everything. Indian Naan and Uzbek Non share something more than the similarity of the names. They are both baked in a clay oven and resemble in taste. Naan translates from Persian as bread and it is very popular in many Middle-Eastern, South Asian and Central Asian countries.
This recipe is a keeper for those who enjoy Naan. It goes very well with many of the Indian dishes that we love, in addition to various soups, appetizers and main dishes. Many people believe that Naan can only baked in a clay oven. Since we can buy pizza stones in stores now, we can bake very good Naan in our regular home ovens now – the process just takes a little longer, since it bakes at 500F, not 800F as it would in a clay oven. For the record, no, I am not attempting to compete with a real tandoor :D
Yield: 8 medium flatbreads
- 2 cup of warm water
- 1 cup warm milk
- 1 Tbsp of active dry yeast
- 1 tsp of salt
- 1/2 tsp of sugar
- 1 egg
- 2 Tbsp of oil
- 5 1/2 cups of sifted all purpose flour (+)
- sesame seeds (optional)
- butter (optional)
Pour warm water into the medium container, add yeast, sugar, salt, egg, warm milk, 1 Tbsp of the oil an mix everything well.
Add sifted flour and quickly work the mixture into a nice dough. 1 cup of flour will measure about 230ml of liquid. Make sure you are taking the right amount of flour. Also, the density of flour can be very different depending on the type of flour you are using. If you need to add more flour to obtain what you need, do so.
The dough should be very soft and managably sticky to your hands. If it is too sticky and hard to work with, rub a little oil into your palms and fingers and keep on kneading the dough. Rub remaining oil over the dough and cover the lid over the container.
Place the container in a warm place until the dough doubles its size (for about 40 minutes). PREHEAT THE OVEN at 500F. I use my pizza stone to make fine Naan. If you are doing so, leave the stone inside the oven (center rack) while it is getting heated.
Once the dough is ready, turn it over to a floured surface and shape tennis ball size circles out of it. It will still be a little hard to work with the sticky dough. To avoid the dough from sticking to your fingers, frequently flour them and work faster. (If it makes it easier, dip the dough balls in the flour once). Let the balls rest for about 10 minutes.
Once the dough has rested, put one risen ball of dough on the floured work surface and push it out with your fingertips to a 6 or 7-inch round. Gently pick it up and toss it from the left palm to the right palm multiple times. The dough will be sticky. So, try to work faster.
This process will create a nice triangular or oval-shaped dough. If you wish, you can spread some butter on top of the flat dough and sprinkle some sesame seeds. Open the oven door and gently place the dough on top of the hot pizza stone. Bake for about 3 minutes and take it out when the top has slightly golden-brown spots. Remove the bread with a wooden spatula from the pizza stone and continue with the remaining dough balls.
When I use the pizza stone, I always make 1 bread at a time. If you are utilizing your baking sheets, the temperature of the oven will remain the same. But you can place 2 doughs on the same baking sheet to save you some time. With this method, baking will take a little longer (about 5 minutes per each entry).
Enjoy your home-made Naans. Hummus here we come! :D
Bon Appetit!
Hail to the Chef! :)
I love my new apron! :)
You are back!!!! YAY! and PHEW! I was wondering what had happened to you… :)) Naans look gorgeous!! :))
Thank you Asha :) Life is just carrying me away from food photography these days. But I am planning on coming back hard :P
O’zimizni lepeshkadaka bo’ladimi Hilola? Anchadan beri qidirib yurudim lekin, ozimcha urindimam necha bor, hich o’hshamadi :( Buniyam albatta sinab ko’raman. Rahmat, recept uchun :*
ehm. tandirdaka bo’lmaydi albatta lekin ancha yaqin bo’ladi. Yumshoq va mazali.
Hi Lola! Good to see you back! We missed you…
Thank you Firuza. Good to be back!
They look amazing!!! I have had my eye on a pizza stone at World Market, I am so trying this once i get that stone!
Lola, can you verify the liquid quantities in your recipe? I was following your recipe the other night and with the 3 cups of liquid to 4.5 cups flour ratio my ‘dough ‘ had the consistency of pancake batter. In order to achieve a ‘sticky dough’ I ended up adding 2 additional cups of flour. Even then it seemed very wet compared to your pictures but I was afraid to deviate so strongly from your quantities. The resulting naan came out great, but I do wonder what happened…
Hi Anthony,
It is great that you made the naans. I am glad that regardless the quantity error your naans turned out great. Indeed the dough should be pretty sticky to your hands. But pancake batter-like-mixture is a little over the board. I apologize for that.
My dough is always a little thicker than a pancake batter. Thus working with such dough is not easy at all. It sticks like crazy. Having extra flour to help me work with the dough is always my key (I literally dip chunks of dough in the flour before I start to shape them). Oil helps a lot while stretching the dough. I will edit the recipe and mention all the little details.
Thank you for letting me know!!!!! :)
Hamirning ustiga azgina qatiq surilsa va oq qora sedanalardan sepilsa o`zimizning yopgan nondan farqi qolmaydi insh.
I just made this naan for lunch! It was fantastic (although I did let my dough rise for 4 hours instead of 40 min just because I only had time to make it in the morning) I think I may just smear a little yogurt on it and eat it with a cucumber…
Ochen zamechatelniy retsept, Lola! Ya sluchayno nashel vash website i ochenr ad chto nashel. Interesniy podhod k plovu with pressurecooker, ya poprobuyu v blijayshem buduyushem. I fotografii u vas zamchatelnie, srazu vidno rabotal professional. Ya toje vedu nebolshoy blog i uchus v Kulinarnoy Academii v Seattle, a sam is goroda geroya Namangana!
Priezjayte v gosti! :)
Rashid, очень извиняюсь, что пишу спустя несколько лет. Надеюсь ваш блог просветает и кулинарный путь вам даёт море удовольствие.
Is nan another word for lepyoshki?
Yo’q “yopgan non” bo’lmaydi. arablarnikidaka non bo’ladi.
Hello, we would like to use your first picture on a poster to advertise our fund raising. We are a non profit organization called IWEN helping women in Nepal. Tell us if there if there is any problem with that. We can send you the poster so you can see it! You can visit our website for more information: http://www.iwencanada.com. Thanks and have a great evening!