There are many famous dishes in the world, claimed by several nations to be historically theirs. Some nations go further by telling that this or that dish symbolizes their national identity. Down the road we will be dealing with many such recipes. In this blog I am not intended to fuel this sort of disputes, rather I view all recipes as world heritage and of course I will try to trace the historical origin to give rightful credit to claiming sides. Today I present to your judgment one version of borscht, cabbage soup, which is claimed by Russians and Ukrainians. Both of them are Slavic nations and that is the uniting part. Red Borscht became very popular in former soviet states. There are little deviations in Red Borscht recipe and the funny part is that most of them are claimed to be either original or classic. Personally I do not believe in originality, you modify or improvise as you wish as long as you keep the essential ingredients and cooking pattern or you risk to invent completely different dish. We are going to publish different versions of borscht, you choose which one is closer to your taste. I started with the one we like the most.