I have tried many recipes to make those perfect home-made blueberry muffins. After trying this recipe of Flo Braker, I am 100% sure that I will never try another recipe! This is it! This is the real deal! This is the bomb!.. You can tell that I can brag on forever about my blueberry muffins. On top of that my favorite part is the doughnut topping which places this recipe somewhere between muffins and doughnuts. Don’t believe me? I dare you to try this recipe :)
My latest trend is to take pictures step-by-step – I figured that it is much easier for my readers to follow them. These muffins are not hard at all. In fact, you do not even need a mixer. It is so simple, you will fall in love with your oven and your kitchen again. Talking about boost of confidence and energy to cook more!
Let me cut to the chase and start presenting you these utterly addictive and super moist muffins :) All of the ingredients besides the buttermilk should be in room temperature. You can also swap blueberries to any other kind of berries.
- 2 cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 2 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/2 tsp salt
- 3/4 cup well shaken cold buttermilk
- 3 oz (3/4 stick) unsalted butter, melted
- 2 large eggs
- 2 tsp finely grated lemon zest or orange zest
- 1 tsp pure vanilla extract
- 1,5 cups blueberries
My husband is not a big fan of the doughnut topping. Particularly the cinnamon part. So, I usually make a small amount of sugar+cinnamon topping enough for a few muffins. I like to indulge myself in cinnamon from time to time! If you want to make all of them doughnut topped, then use the ingredients below. You can alter condiments according to your own taste.
- 1/2 cup granulated sugar
- 1,5 tsp ground cinnamon or a 1 tsp of ground cinnamon and 1/2 of ground cardamom (already smells heavenly)
Center the rack in the middle of the oven and preheat the oven to 375F. Lightly coat 12 cup standard muffin pan with nonstick spray.
Dust it with flour and tap the back of the ban to get rid of the excess flour.
In a medium bowl whisk together dry ingredients: flour, sugar, baking soda, baking powder and salt.
In a separate bowl mix liquid ingredients: buttermilk, luke warm butter, eggs, vanilla and not so liquid lemon zest :) Mix together until well combined.
Add the buttermilk mixture to the flour mixture and stir gently with a rubber spatula just until moistened. Do not beat until smooth. Otherwise muffins will have a coarse texture.
Using the spatula fold in the blueberries. Mix gently a few times just enough to incorporate blueberries into batter.
Using a spoon (like I did) or an ice-cream scoop about 2 1/4 inches in diameter fill the muffin cups 3/4 full.
Once evenly placed, put the muffins into the ready oven for about 20 minutes until they are golden and spring back when you press the center of the muffins.
Meanwhile if you decided to do the doughnut topping mix sugar with cinnamon (cardamom optional) and keep it ready until you will need it.
After taking out the muffins from the oven, make sure you give it a rest before handling them further. 10-15 minutes is sufficient enough.
While the muffins are still warm, gently remove them from the pan one at a time. Brush the top of the muffins with the butter (or simply dip the tops in butter) and roll in the cinnamon sugar to coat. Place the muffin on a wire rack to cool them completely.
While I do not have the picture of the muffins cooling on the wire rack, I present you the ready doughnut top muffins. TA-DA!
Right after I was done my little helper and my little tester ran into the kitchen and asked for one muffin. Here I handed him one and quickly snapped a picture:
Do you need any more proof that these muffins are worth every second of your time you spent in the kitchen :D
I left The rest of the muffins without the topping per my husband request. I hope you will really enjoy them!
Klassno viglyadit, Hilol! Obyazatelno poprobuyu! Tolko skazhi, a chto eto za butter milk? Obichnoye moloko podoydet (3.2% zhirnosti)?
kiss your little helpers :)
Ksumchik, buttermilk et nash kefir. Tol’ko on tut kislee i zhizhee. Ti kefir razbav’ nemnogo s molokom. V perviy raz kogda ya delala u menya buttermilka ne bilo, ya razbavila katik s molokom. Konsistenciya dolzhna bit’ chut’ zhidkoy smetani ili slivok dlya vbitiya :)
a, ok, super. tut tozhe u hin ets zhidkiy yogurt, zhirbiy. s nim poprobuyu. spasibo :)
Privet volshebnica!
Kak govoritsya – been there, done that, can’t stop eating :-). Sdelala s vishney, t.k. v blizhayshem magazine bolshe nichego ne bilo – vkusno! Nelzya mne takiye veshi delat chasto – inache Zarko naydet sebe druguyu stroynuyu, moloduyu i krasivuyu :P.
Ay molodec! S vishnyami ne sovsem kisliy poluchilsya? Konechno esli ti sdelala sugar top s verhu vse sbalansirovalos’. Nado bi i mne iz vishni sdelat’. Ya podumivayu sdelat’ iz cranberries, posmotrim kak poluchitsya. Rada chto tebe ponravilos’. Ti esli budesh’ takie vkusnosti gotovit’, Zakro tebya sovsem ne promenyaet :D A esh’ ti odin muffin v den’ i ne bol’she! :) Ya vidlea tvoyu mamu, stroynaya, uhozhennaya zhenshina! Tak chto tebe tuda i put’ :)
ne, s vishney ne poluchilos kislo – da, ya sdelal topping sverhu – poluchilos v samiy raz. edinstvennoye, t.k. ya ispolzovala zamorozhennuyu vishnyu, kogda ona rastayala sok vishel i smeshalsya s testom i vse muffins bili neponyatnogo cveta :) – ne tak kak u tebya belenkiye vnutri s yagodami. no na vkus eto ne povliyalo :). hochu eshe s chokoladom eto poprobovat.
Ti ne razmorazhivay yagodi esli delaesh’ iz zamorozhennih. Srazu lozhi v testo. S shokoladom ispol’zuy melkie shokoladi kak mini hershey’s kisses, da bi oni ne bistro rastayali. Esli vi lyubite shokoladi, u menya mnogo receptov s shokoladami :)
The picture in Tastespotting had the most amazing colors! As a new blogger and terribly amateur photographer, I am also grateful for your photography points.. .can’t wait to read them!
Deana, please visit our site more often. We will be more than happy to help out if we can. If you have questions, feel free to ask them anywhere. My husband is a great photographer and he can share quite a knowledge, too :)
I really want to thank you for your recipe it was amazing. I want to thank you for the step picutre it’s useful really really.I’m starting to take one recipe at a time to do it and i’m enjoy to do it caz the clear and eazy u make these dishes.
Amal, thank you very much for your kind words. I really appreciate your feedback and I hope my recipe images will make it much easier for you to try on something new :)
Hi Lola,
These look really good and it looks very easy to make. I have a couple of questions though and I hope you could help. I want to make a healthier muffin and was wondering if using a combination of flours (half white and half whole wheat) would work. What do you think? Also, do you think using applesauce instead of the butter (or using a smaller portion of butter) would work?
Have you tried these with the cranberries/chocolate/cherries mentioned above?
Thanks so much,
Hi Anna, how are you doing? :)
As for the questions: I think that using combo of flours should not be a problem. I’ve read that some people do substitute apple sauce instead of a butter. But I never tried it myself. Butter, being healthier than a lot of oils out there, does not bother me as much. But I would love to find out how the apple sauce works as a sub :) Let me know if you decide to try.
If you noticed a little higher above we discussed substituting blueberries with different fruit. I personally have not tried it with a different fruit. I am sure even if you decide to use a different berry, it will not hurt the taste a bit :) Chocolate would probably make it more appealing!!!!!
Hi Lola,
I actually have a batch in the oven right now. Can’t wait to see how they turn out. I used whole wheat pastry flour and only half a stick of butter and a quarter cup of apple sauce. The one thing I can tell you right now is that the smell is absolutely outstanding! I actually had some blueberries on hand and figured I’d use them for this recipe. I’ll let you know how they taste once they’re out of the oven. :)
Lola! I have made them for my son’s bday, kids will enjoy it tomorrow at the daycare, I was asked to bring smth healthy,without icing, made of whole wheat, so I thought blueberry whole wheat muffins with fresh fruits would be a great sub for unhealthy cake :) We have tried few today – they are delicious! Hilola
My Family loved it.
Delicious! Thanks so much.
So in-love with your website, please keep posting! :)