Today I decided to cook and take pictures of one of the favorite meals of my husband. The process is very easy but you have to have a pressure cooker for this particular recipe. You will also need to like chickpeas, meat and tomato combination. This meal is widely known in Uzbekistan but I’ve only heard of its existence after moving to U.S. :) From what I understood, different regions make it differently and ingredients vary, too.
Since we do not have all the ingredients necessary for the original recipe, I am presenting you a modified, Americanized version of the “No’xat Sho’rak”, which happens to be the closest to the Ferghana version. Try it and let me know what you think of it.
Yield: 4 medium – 6 small servings
Prep. time: at least 4 hours for soaking the chickpeas in water and 30 minutes for pressure cooking.
- 2,5 cups of dry chickpeas
- 1 lb of lamb or beef (you can always add more if you like more meat)
- 1 tsp cumin
- 2 tsp salt
- 3-4 circles of whole black pepper
- 1 medium onion
- 2 medium tomatoes
- 0,5 tsp cayenne pepper
- water for the pressure cooker
Soak chickpeas in warm water for at least 4 hours (if you are cooking with a pressure cooker). Check the water level after 2 hours and add more water, if needed. Chickpeas will quickly absorb water, so you have to make sure there is enough of it. When they are ready, rinse with fresh water and put into the pressure cooker.
Place chunks of meat on top of chickpeas. Add salt, cumin, black pepper and pour water just enough to cover the meat. Bring it to boil and remove the foam. Close the lid of the pressure cooker and let it stand for 30 minutes on medium-high heat.
Meanwhile prepare the salad that goes on top of the dish. Cut onions in 2 mm half circles. Cut tomatoes the same way. Add Cayenne pepper, salt and mix it well.
Once the time is up for the pressure cooker (30 mins), take out the meat and cut it in small pieces. Place chickpeas on a large dish, top with meat and finish up with an onion & tomato salad.
Wow! A lot of updates :) It is going to be fun in this blog :) Well well, I think I know what we will have for diner today :)
I’m getting hungry already.
Nyam nyam!!! Hilolahon, ty prosto chudo :)))! Smotryu na fotografii i deystvitelno appetit otkrivaetsya! Obyazatelno poprobuyu prigotovit eto blyudo – pravda nado podumat o priobretenii ili zamene pressure cooker-a. My ochen lyubim nohot v nashey semye – i samoye lyubimoye blyudo humus (Zarko mozhet ego kushat hot kazhdiy den – interesting, that all of us focus mostly on our husbands’ favorite dishes ;)!) I kstati, tozhe pravda chto mnogiye Uzbek dishes stanovyatsya po nastoyashemu vkusnimi zagranicey :) – vchera delali plov s Mahfuzkoy… nyam nyam :-)
anaqa, I got my Pressure cooker and already used it twice! birinchi marta dimlama qildim. 20 minutda gushlari hil hil pishdi. 2chi marta utgan kuni thai green curry qildim. 15 minutda pishdi. outstanding results, i tell ya! otini pressure mas, miracle cooker qoyish keragakan. :lol:
Dahshat! O’zimizni Marg’iloncha no’hat qiptashapsizu kennaya.:))
Biz taraflarda jaa mashhur bu ovqat. Bunga hozir, po’stirma etishmayapti holos. :D
Mahsuma это наша Махсума или кто-то еше?? :) Nimani topolmiman UKda desam bu No’xatni :)
WebMonster, I hope Yenge is not going to hate me :)
Morten Pedersen, cook it, it is very easy and tasty!
Chaqoz, etdimku pressure cooker zo’r narsa deb. Shartta, shartta pishirvurasan. Endi osh qilib ko’rgin. Oshni receptiniyam qo’yganman.
Ma’rufxon, ha po’stdumba yo’q edida, USda topish qiyin (umuman mumkin emas desam ham bo’ladi). Shuning uchun modernized, americanized degandim :)
Maksush, mi tozhe Hummus lyubim. No, staraemsya delat’ night by night. One night indian dinner, arabic dinner, uzbek dinner. Poluchaetsya prosto otlichno!
Fara, est’ v magazinah. chickpeas vezde est’, esli ne chick peas, to ishi kak gorbanzo beans.
Da, ya tozhe starayus gotovit raznuyu edu. Hotya chestno govorya, gotovka – ne samoye moye lyubimoye zanyatiye (shame on me!). No slava Bogu est Internet gde est stolko vsego i rodstvenniki, kotoriye delayut takiye vkusniye fotografii :).
Fara, da eto vasha Mahsuma :). Deystvitelno, udivitelno chto ty ne nashel goroh v UK – tam kak v Amerike, vse mozhno nayti – zaydi v kakoy nibud tureckiy ili arabskiy magazin, hotya v bolshih supermarketah tozhe on est.
Nasim – v Serbii govoryat – svaka ti chast! Eto ne rugatelstvo :) – super chto sdelal takoy website :).
ОБАЛДЕТЬ!! Класс! Здесь я молчу. Никаких претензий!..
Я только недавно сытно поужинал. Были пельмени. Много пельменей. С кефирчиком и молотым чёрным перцем. Поужинав, сел за интернет. Но, блин, увидев этот – Нухат шурак – из глаз слюни потекли, изо рта слёзы! Маладес, Хилол! И по кадрировке фотографий и по блюду. Жаль что вкус и аромат не передать! Знаю что вкусно! Я, блин, как Рокфор из мультфильма “Чип и Дейл”, только он сходил с ума при виде сыра, а я схожу с ума при виде мяса, много мяса!…
Ksumchik, a ti pochashe zaglyadivay syuda, avos chto interesnoe naydetsya. Plov tozhe delat’ ne lekgo, molodec ti! Samoe glavnoe staranie! Cehrezchur lyubit’ gotovit’ i iz kuhni ne vixodit’ tozhe ne delo :d Tak chto, ti derzhishsya (ia ya v tom chisle) na zolotoy seredinke!
Ya vot zavtra hochu zapostit’ kuricu carry po indiysiy. Paru raz doma delala, ooooooochen’ ponravilos’. Nadeyus’ i vam ponravitsya!
Da, chicken curry – eto vkusno :)))), davay posmotrim kak ty eto delaesh! Pravda mne bolshe nravitsya chicken masala – kak to delala, as seychas ne mogu nayti tut speciyu – v Belgrade ne ochen to lyubyat vostochniye kuhni, poetomu tut tyazhelee nayti takiye veshi – tut kak Uzbeki – myaso myaso myaso, hehe :)! Navernoye, poetomu ne udivitelno chto tut ya chuvstvuyu sebya kak doma :)
Woww! Ko’rinishidan superrr!!! Ta’mi qanaqa chiqdi??
Ta’mi og’zizda qoladi, Mr.Abdullah
Looks great; smells delicious.
Have you thought about running your own TV show in cooking on the weekends? “Simply Ming” is a good show, just a talking part. His cooking won’t come even close to yours :)
Your own food block online could’ve been just a beginning.
Great job, keep cooking!
That Guy,
Thank you for the compliments.
For now we decided to share the blog with all the Mansurovs :)
I am not sure if I can handle a TV show but I wouldn’t say no if someone offered :D
Hi there – I just discovered your blog, and am very excited by it. Can you tell me more about the original recipe, and what the ingredients are in Uzbekistan that I couldn’t get in the US? I wish I could follow along in either Russian or Uzbek (maybe you have already answered my question in one of those two languages), but I can’t read a word (OK, maybe two) of Russian, and I’d have to brush off the Turkish to catch any of the Uzbek!
Thanks – I am looking forward to trying MANY of your recipes!
Hi Judy, thank you for stopping by the blog :)
There are couple of recipes of Nohat Sho’rak in Uzbekistan. This particular recipe is from Ferghana region. The only ingredient missing here is “po’st dumba”, which is essentially a thin layer of fat stored in buttocks of sheep (dumba). It is only obtained from a specific type of sheep, raised in Central Asia. It might sound a little gross to you, but that type of fat is used in majority of the dishes in CA and considered to be cleanest animal fat. It is much cleaner and healthier than the fat stored in animal’s body. Inner fat (among the meat) is essentially very high in cholesterol and is advised not to be used in food.
Other than that the remaining condiments are listed in the ingredient list. You can find them in U.S. without any problems.
Let me know if you have any more questions. I will be more than happy to help :)
Thanks for such a quick response! No, it doesn’t sound gross at all – I have heard of this type of cooking fat before, I believe, as it’s also used in some Middle Eastern cooking. It’s a fat-tailed sheep, or something close, is this right?
Thanks for the information. As I said, I am excited about this blog, especially for the recipes. I love learning about CA culture, and food (even the “this might sound a little gross to you…” parts) is part of that!
Yes! that’s the name I was looking for. Oh, I am C. Asian but there are some things and ingredients that play tricks with my stomach! :) for example, I was never a big fan of po’st-dumba. The fat from the tail is fine by me, but po’st dumba part was always a no-no.
Thank you for being part of my blog! I am sure you can teach me a lot of stuff about food, too. I am looking forward to hear more from you and things you love!
Recipe uchun tashakkur bu safar ikkinchi marta qilishim, alohida rahmat deb ketmaslik noinsoflik deb hisobladm. :)
I am so happy I came across your blog, for the last two days I can’t close my eyes, I keep staring at each and every recipe like this O_O
In Spain we have a stew called “cocido”, and made with beef, pork and chicken meat, boiled with chickpeas and even vegetables. It is very similar to what you have prepared and we love it too!